The First 3 Months
Dear Online Student - We offered you this FREE Foundational Teachings to introduce you to the Yeshiva way of learning online. It is all about your time and your space of learning in the freedom of your choice. We inform - You choose. Tans is daar slegs materiaal in Afrikaans beskikbaar in die Gratis Fondasie Opleiding.
CFT 0 - What is Hebraic Roots - 2018.pdf
CFT 1 - Is Your Messiah of Jewish Origin - 2018.pdf
CFT 1 - Jou Messias - 2018.pdf
CFT 2 - Your Identity - 2018.pdf
CFT 2 - U Identiteit - 2018.pdf
CFT 3 - There is only One Covenant, and Christians Have Missed It - 2018.pdf
CFT 3 - Daar is net Een Verbond, en Christene het dit Grootliks Gemis - 2018.pdf